
Secure dropbox for business
Secure dropbox for business

Remain demonstrably compliant by deleting data before potential compromise.UK-based 24x7 customer support, consultancy and training services via Bridgeway.Integrate Dropbox into existing GPG-13 SIEM solutions for protective monitoring.Set consistent organisation data management policies across user teams.Rollback to previous versions after accidental or intentional data loss.Collaborate with 600M+ users worldwide without needing to set-up accounts.Migrate from untrusted consumer Dropbox to managed Dropbox Business accounts.Determine internal and external user access (including duration) to content.Determine file view and edit permissions within collaboration folders.Implement internal and external data sharing policies.

secure dropbox for business

  • Wipe business data remotely when employees leave or lose devices.
  • Integrate AD/LDAP for easier provisioning and Single Sign-On (SSO).
  • Export Dropbox user activity logs for comprehensive data auditing.
  • Administrator console allows for centralised team management of Dropbox users.
  • Protect important information with unlimited data restoration and version history.
  • secure dropbox for business

  • Market leadership as trusted secure file sharing and collaboration solution.
  • Dropbox Business gives administrators the visibility and controls necessary to keep your information secure, and Bridgeway delivers the training, consultancy and support services to ensure on-going project success.

    secure dropbox for business

    Bridgeway delivers Dropbox Business with powerful administration tools and services for the popular secure file sharing, file syncing and file collaboration platform.

    Secure dropbox for business